BRSR – Reporting requirement for listed companies in India

Requirements of BRSR for listed companies in India In the contemporary global business environment, the emphasis on sustainability and responsibility has grown significantly. Recognizing the need for transparency and accountability, SEBI introduced the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework and its derivative, BRSR Core, alongside specific ESG disclosure requirements for […]

Important update for MF Investors who completed KYC formalities before January 1, 2012

Individual Mutual Fund Investors, who completed KYC prior to Jan. 1, 2012, are required to submit ‘missing/not available’ KYC (Know Your Customer) information and complete the IPV (In Person Verification) for investing in a  new mutual fund after Nov. 30, 2012. SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) vide circular MIRSD/SE/Cir-21/2011 […]