Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 Currency notes No longer valid in India from November 9, 2016 – An Analysis

“From midnight of November 8, 2016, Rs. 500 and Rs.1000 will cease to be legal tender. These notes are just papers from tomorrow,” said Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. The announcement was made to combat black money, corruption, counterfeit currency notes and terrorism financing, etc. All electronic transactions, cheques, debit cards, […]

Capital Guaranteed (in USD) Insurance Plan for NRIs – An Analysis

Looking at the success of the Leveraged FCNR deposits, increased interest of NRIs of investment in Leveraged products, continuous inquiry from NRIs to increase their returns and lower LIBOR rates, financial services industry is very much interested to come up with the products that offer Capital Protection/Guarantee of Capital in Foreign […]