On July 5, the First full-time Female Finance Minister of India, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, presented the budget in the Parliament. While it may be a mixed bag for many, the one category it affect the most, and that too positively, is Non- Residents (NRIs/ PIOs). We have analyzed all the budget […]
From June 1, 2015, any person making a payment to a non-resident, including an NRI transferring funds from NRO to NRE account would be required to obtain a certificate from a Chartered Accountant in form 15CB and file form 15CA to the income tax department. On May 14, 2015, the […]
CBDT vide notification 67/2003 revised the rules and procedures AGAIN for payment to NRI. And this time, for good. The updated rule will also be effective from October 1, 2013. I hope they do not change the rules again. 1. As per the revised rule, Form 15CA/CB is applicable only if a […]
On August 5, 2013, CBDT (Central Board of Direct Taxes) changed the rules, procedures and forms for making payment to a non-resident from October 1, 2013. The revised forms and procedures will also be applicable for transfer of funds from NRO to NRE account. While the revised rule reduces the procedures for […]